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Will .50 cents really help?
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I desperately need to raise the capital to put together this coffeehouse /
Live music venue.
Believe me, the City of Topeka Kansas DESPERATELY needs this, and *I*
desperately need this. Topeka has rated number 8 in the top ten most violent
crimes per capita in the USA. Over and over again, studies and surveys done
by the city and paid for by taxes have said the same thing: The city needs
MUCH MORE entertainment opportunities for youth, and much more outlets for
live music, arts, and culture.
We all know that city-run "all ages" clubs don't work, and cannot be
sustained. (And they usually just suck.) As well, "All-Ages" clubs are very
hard to keep going just because keeping the cash flow coming in relies on
door covers and pop sales...which never covers enough of the costs.
My business plan addresses all of these issues, and I truly believe it is
workable. The short version is basically that I can make enough money to
keep the place going by operating as breakfast and lunch deli / coffee shop
during the morning and daytime hours. That will pay the bills to keep
the place open for shows, cultural events, and just a safe place for
under-agers to hang out in the evenings.
I firmly believe that there is a correlation between crime and the social
opportunities available for youth. My coffeehouse isn't going to solve ALL
of Topeka problems by a long shot, but it will certainly help.
I have filed and established myself as a Limited Liability Corporation, this
is much more feasible, easier, and less risky then trying to file as a
non-profit organization. This LLC will act as the holding company that owns
the CoffeeHouse.
I have been scrimping and saving and working my ass off to raise the needed
funds. However, the time frame involved here between now and the time I am
going to have to cough up the big bucks for the lease on the space, and the
inventory, licensing and other business expenses is pretty tight. So I need
your help.
I can do some benefit shows. But knowing full well how "benefit shows"
usually don't raise much in the way of funds. I feel that once I am actually
IN the space, then it will be much more effective and feasible to THEN do
some benefits to raise cash for operating, until the business is rolling
enough to pay its own way.
This is not some pie-in-the-sky passing whim or momentary impulse for me. I
have spent months doing research and putting together my business plan. I
have also spent YEARS helping to run such legendary venues as The Outhouse,
and have put on hundreds of all-ages punkrock shows. And I have also spent
years touring with many different bands across North America and Europe,
and having seen, experienced, and witnessed the many different clubs, venues
and ways of doing things in many different places, I genuinely feel I am
qualified and knowledgeable enough to pull this off.
An added bonus to having this venue in Topeka Kansas is geographic. Look at
a map, see Topeka about 70 miles west of Kansas City? The KC/Lawrence/Topeka
area is rough halfway between St Louis and Denver, and Chicago or
Minneapolis and Dallas. I-70 and I-35 roughly intersect near Topeka or KC.
If you have ever been on tour with a band, then you know what a huge
dead spot the Midwest is for bands traversing the country. Having another
stop, and gig along that rout makes it MUCH more feasible for booking,
driving, playing, and not coming home as broke when touring with a band.
This ALSO reinforces Kansas Cities and Lawrence's position on the touring
map, meaning that those places become more viable for touring bands when
they only have to drive 70 miles to get to their next gig, before having to
drive HUNDREDS of miles to another region.
In other words: This really benefits people, bands, and the over-all scene
far beyond just Topeka.
So here is what I am proposing:
I am hoping and begging each and every one of you to contribute whatever you
can, be it .50 cents, $5 bucks, or $100 bucks to my paypal account. And THEN
forward this e-mail to as many other people as you possibly can, or if you
feel it is appropriate, you may re-type it or edit it, but please do not
change any of the basic facts or misrepresent what it is I am trying to do.
And please encourage those people to donate, and pass this along.
I think that many of us "old schoolers" that remember the grand old
punk-rock networks. Maximum Rock N Roll pen-pal lists and all of the
support that we had and generated in those by-gone years would love nothing
more then to resurrect that in some small way, even if you are not involved
in "the scene" any more, or even go to shows anymore, certainly we all
remember with fondness and nostalgia those days.
And I think that many of us would love nothing more then to try to ignite
that once again in the younger crowds.
Those that personally know me know that I am genuinely sincere in what I am
trying to do. So please, even if you are not interested in donating even a
small amount to this cause, PLEASE forward this along to those who you feel
MIGHT be interested.
And, if you have a web page, a fanzine, mailing list, or even some friends
you hang with, please help me out by making a mention of this fund-raising
Feel free to e-mail me at: bobc@adkg.com with any questions or suggestions.
Or if you wish to donate but do not wish to do it through paypal, e-mail me
and I will give you a snail-mail address to send to.
And you all have my promise: That I will return the favors by using my venue
to have fund-raisers, benefits, and events to help promote positive and
helpful causes and help other people out...Who knows? Maybe YOU might be in
need of some help, or want to open your OWN place.and I will do whatever I
can to help.
IF I am not able to raise the needed funds, or some other circumstance
prevents me from opening the business, I will most definitely donate all of
the funds I collect to a needy, charitable organization.
Here is where donations can be sent via paypal:
If you wish to put a banner ad/link, or similar graphic on your web-site,
then please e-mail me and I will send you the information.
Bob cutler
I thank you all very much for your help!
bob cutler